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INWIT: 300 million euro buyback plan resolved in April 2023 now completed

Milan, 21 October 2024 – INWIT, Italy’s leading tower operator, reports its completion, on 15 October 2024, of the buyback plan launched in June 2023, in execution of resolution no. 1 of item 7 on the agenda of the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting held on 18 April 2023, in line with the terms and conditions announced previously.

The buyback programme is part of the 2023-2026 Business Plan and aims to provide shareholders with extraordinary remuneration, over and above the distribution of dividends. It has been structured into two tranches of approximately 150 million euros each, for a total duration of 18 months.

In greater detail, the second tranche regarded 14,856,815 shares for a gross equivalent value of 149,999,182 euros, at an average price of 10.096 euros.

More specifically, during the sessions held on 14 and 15 October 2024, a total of 204,256 ordinary shares were purchased on the Milan Euronext Market, for an average unitary price of 10.8763 euros, making for a total equivalent value of 2,221,553.74 euros.

With reference to the entire Buyback Plan, approved for up to 31,200,000 ordinary shares in the Company and a total maximum outlay of 300 million euros, 28,309,990 shares have been purchased in all on the Milan Euronext Market and on multilateral trading facilities – at an average price of 10.597 euros, representing 2.95% of the share capital – and are now expected to be cancelled in execution and under the terms set forth by the resolution passed by the Shareholders’ Meeting on 18 April 2023. The cancellation will be disclosed to the market in accordance with applicable rules and regulations.

Below, based on the information provided by the appointed intermediary, are the details of the treasury share buyback transactions on a daily basis in the latest sessions:


As at 15 October, considering the treasury shares already in its portfolio, INWIT holds 28,425,997 treasury shares amounting to approximately 2.96% of the share capital.

Details of the purchases made during the above period are available in Excel format on the website (“governance/corporate reporting/share buyback” section).

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