INWIT: update on share buyback In the period 8 to 12 july 2024
Milan, 15 July 2024 – Infrastrutture Wireless Italiane S.p.A. (INWIT), following the press release of 7 March 2024, relating to the start of the second tranche of the treasury share buyback in execution of resolution No. 1 at item No. 7 of the agenda passed by the ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting on 18
April 2023, announces that it has purchased on the Milan Euronext, in the period between 8 and 12 July 2024, 335,297 ordinary shares at an average price per share of EUR 9.8045, for a total countervalue of EUR 3,287,429.51.
Below, based on the information provided by the appointed intermediary, are the details of the treasury share buyback transactions on a daily basis:

As at 12 July 2024, considering the treasury shares already in its portfolio, INWIT holds 26,996.971 treasury shares amounting to about 2.81% of the share capital.
The details of all buyback transactions made during the above period are available in Excel format at (“governance/corporate reporting/share buy-back” section).