Interview with Antonio Riviezzi, Broni Mayor (Pavia)

In the usual appointment of “Digital and Shared Infrastructures – Facciamo Rete”, the column dedicated to the collaborations between INWIT, the municipalities and villages of Italy, we had the pleasure of interviewing Antonio Riviezzi, Mayor of the Municipality of Broni (province of Pavia).
Located in the province of Pavia, Broni is in the center of Oltrepò Pavese, a hilly area famous for the production of high-quality wines. A place with ancient origins dating back to Roman times and which offers truly evocative landscapes.
We asked Mayor Antonio Riviezzi to tell us how the collaboration with INWIT, and more generally digitalization, has improved the liveability of his Municipality, ensuring a stable and widespread connection throughout the territory thanks to the installation of digital and shared infrastructures to support telecommunications operators.
For the Mayor of the Municipality of Broni, the actions carried out in the province of Pavia have contributed positively to a response of digital services to the citizen and the local community.
We give a good response to citizens, because almost all the practices can be done digitally at our institution, so we have also done a good job in this regard by participating in some PNRR calls for tenders… So it is a positive outcome, clearly positive.
declared the mayor Antonio Riviezzi.
Watch the interview and discover the other contents of the editorial column Infrastrutture digitali e condivise – Facciamo Rete.
(if you can’t see the video screen correctly, click here).