Electronic signature service

The advanced electronic signature solution adopted by INWIT S.p.A. it is based on the use of the OTP sent via SMS to the signer’s phone number. This solution falls into the advanced electronic signature category, as defined by the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers (DPCM) of 22 February 2013 n. 117, entitled “Technical rules on the generation, affixing and verification of advanced, qualified and digital electronic signatures”, published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale of 21/05/2013.
Based on the indications contained in the Technical Rules, the Operating Manual is available at the following link:

In order to view the Terms and Conditions of Use document of the Advanced Electronic Signature service, it will be necessary to connect to the following link:

To obtain a copy of your declaration of acceptance of the conditions of service previously provided, please request it by PEC to the e-mail address indicating your name, surname, tax code and details of the digitally signed contract for which you wish observe the acceptance of the conditions of the service rendered.

To exercise the right to revoke your consent to the use of the advanced electronic signature solution, please request the «Advanced Electronic Signature Service Revocation Form» by PEC to the e-mail address rental@inwit.telecompost.it