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Information notice on the buy-back of treasury shares

Rome, 28 October 2020 – Following the press release of 20 October 2020, INWIT – Infrastrutture Wireless Italiane S.p.A. (INWIT) (code ISIN IT0005090300) announces that on 21 October 2020, within the scope of the authorisation to buy-back treasury shares resolved on by the Shareholders’ Meeting of 28 July 2020 (already disclosed in an information notice pursuant to art.144 bis of Consob Regulation 11971/99 and art. 132 of Legislative Decree 58/98), it bought back 82,000 ordinary shares on the Electronic Share Market at the average unit price of 9.2212 euros, for a total equivalent value of 756,138.40 euros.

The buy-back of 82,000 treasury shares represents 0.0086% of the share capital.

The buy-back transactions were completed through the appointed intermediary Mediobanca – Banca di Credito Finanziario S.p.A.

The annex to this press release contains details of the INWIT ordinary share buy-back transactions completed in said period.


Transaction Date Time Quantity Price
21/10/2020 17:03:20 3491 9,245
21/10/2020 17:03:20 5600 9,245
21/10/2020 17:02:24 907 9,245
21/10/2020 17:02:24 2 9,245
21/10/2020 17:03:25 8000 9,24
21/10/2020 17:00:18 6500 9,245
21/10/2020 16:30:00 4503 9,235
21/10/2020 16:29:57 287 9,235
21/10/2020 16:29:57 200 9,235
21/10/2020 16:27:25 10 9,235
21/10/2020 15:28:58 4072 9,24
21/10/2020 15:28:58 928 9,24
21/10/2020 16:36:28 2023 9,225
21/10/2020 16:36:28 1236 9,225
21/10/2020 16:35:54 4 9,225
21/10/2020 15:15:14 1737 9,225
21/10/2020 14:12:14 5000 9,225
21/10/2020 13:45:25 3214 9,21
21/10/2020 13:45:25 108 9,21
21/10/2020 13:45:25 832 9,21
21/10/2020 13:45:25 169 9,21
21/10/2020 13:45:25 351 9,21
21/10/2020 13:45:25 67 9,21
21/10/2020 13:45:25 259 9,21
21/10/2020 13:32:11 2791 9,21
21/10/2020 13:32:11 320 9,21
21/10/2020 13:32:11 540 9,21
21/10/2020 13:32:11 58 9,21
21/10/2020 13:32:11 1200 9,21
21/10/2020 13:32:11 91 9,21
21/10/2020 13:00:58 2500 9,22
21/10/2020 13:17:12 4970 9,21
21/10/2020 13:17:12 30 9,21
21/10/2020 11:49:08 3081 9,205
21/10/2020 11:45:17 188 9,205
21/10/2020 11:45:17 1100 9,205
21/10/2020 11:45:17 312 9,205
21/10/2020 11:45:17 56 9,205
21/10/2020 11:45:17 218 9,205
21/10/2020 11:45:17 45 9,205
21/10/2020 11:49:17 494 9,195
21/10/2020 11:49:17 4506 9,195
21/10/2020 11:50:39 5000 9,19
21/10/2020 11:53:40 1673 9,18
21/10/2020 11:53:40 3327 9,18