Pursuant to Decree Law no. 18/2020, the attendance of the shareholders’ meeting by all those entitled to vote, without prejudice to all other remote voting methods specified herein, and voting at the shareholders’ meeting, shall take place exclusively through the designated representative appointed in accordance with Article 135-undecies of Italian Legislative Decree no. 58 of 24 February 1998 (Consolidated Law on Finance “CLF”), identified as the Trevisan & Associati law firm (“Designated Representative”).
Electronic Voting
Ordinary shareholders are also entitled to vote electronically, starting from July 8, 2020 and up to and including July 27, 2020, via the reserved area of this website and pursuant to the procedures and limits therein set out.
Voting electronically can only be exercised by persons who are holders of the such right.
Access to the reserved area to vote electronically: https://assembleainwit.telecomitalia.it
Voting by Proxy
A printed version of a proxy form in Italian and English may be downloaded from the website:
Voting by Designated Proxy
- Proxy form
- Proxy conferment form to the designated representative
- Sub-delegation form
- Access to the reserved area for the notification or sending beforehand of a copy of the proxy