Information notice on the buy-back of treasury shares
Roma, 5 June 2023 – Following the press release of 29 May 2023, INWIT – Infrastrutture Wireless Italiane S.p.A. (code ISIN IT0005090300) – announces that on 30 May 2023 it bought back 67.000 ordinary shares on Euronext Milan Market (formerly the Electronic Stock Market) at the average unit price of 11,7886 euros, for a total equivalent value of 789.836,20 euros.
The first tranche of purchases of INWIT ordinary shares to service the 2023 – 2027 Share-Based Incentive Plan (so-called “Long Term Incentive”) and the 2023 and 2024 Employee Share Ownership Plan, in execution of resolution No. 2 placed under item No. 7 on the agenda passed by the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting on April 18, 2023, was closed.
The buy-back of 67.000 treasury shares represents 0,007% of the share capital. The buy-back transactions were completed through the appointed intermediary Mediobanca – Banca di Credito Finanziario S.p.A.
The annex to this press release contains details of the INWIT ordinary share buy-back transactions completed in said period.