INWIT: appointment of two new Directors
Milan, 2 October 2020 – The Board of Directors of INWIT, which met today under the chairmanship of Emanuele Tournon, took note of the resignation of independent director Filomena Passeggio and non-executive director Carlo Nardello. These resignations took effect today on completion of the entry of the company Impulse I S.à.r.l. into the capital of the Telecom Italia Group’s investment vehicle in INWIT (in this respect see the press release of 30 September 2020 available on the INWIT website at “media/press releases” section).
The Board, with the approval of the Board of Statutory Auditors, has therefore appointed by co-option, pursuant to article 2386, subsection 1, of the Italian Civil Code and in compliance with the provisions of paragraph 13.7(2) of the Company Bylaws, the INWIT directors Rosario Mazza, designated by Ardian in compliance with the shareholders’ agreements in place between TIM and Ardian (the essential elements of which, pursuant to article 122 CLF and Article 130 of the Issuer Regulation, are available, together with the respective extract, on the INWIT website at “governance/shareholders agreements” section) and Giovanna Bellezza, designated by TIM in order to guarantee compliance within the Board of Directors with the gender requirements prescribed by the law and regulations in force.
The new directors will remain in office until the next Shareholders’ Meeting, in accordance with the law.
The Board, after verifying the integrity and independence requirements of the Director Rosario Mazza, as required by current legislation and the Corporate Governance Code of Borsa Italiana S.p.A., appointed him Chairman of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee and member of the Related Parties Committee, while the Director Giovanna Bellezza was appointed member of the Sustainability Committee.
Neither of the newly appointed Directors hold shares in the share capital of INWIT.
The curricula vitae of the new Directors are available on the INWIT website at, “governance” section.