INWIT, innovative agreement with trade unions: participation at the center
Rome, July 12, 2021 – With the approval by the workers’ assembly, the agreement between Inwit and the National and Territorial OO.SS, the RSU has been ratified. Among the issues covered by the agreement are the new Result Bonus, a plan to optimize the company’s offices and the establishment of a Workers’ Participation Committee. A three-year agreement (2021-2023) was signed regarding the Results Bonus, which provides for an increase in current values of over 20% in three years and the alignment of performance parameters with the Company’s main economic and financial objectives. In addition to the bonus, for the first year an additional amount will be paid as welfare to be spent on goods and services of social utility.
The agreement, based on the model of agile work that will be implemented in the Company from the end of the state of emergency, aims to combine the needs of flexibility and autonomy of employees with the new paradigm of work performance, based on result orientation and achievement of objectives. The Company will guarantee a kit of computer equipment and tools to support smartworking and will make available co-working spaces in the remote areas in case of need, as well as agreements with business partners for the fruition of reduced rates and services. A highly innovative element of the agreement is the establishment of the Joint Committee, based on an “advanced participatory” model that allows workers to be directly and actively involved in the plans to transform company processes. More specifically, this is a bilateral structure that provides for the establishment of inter-functional, inter-hierarchical and inter-professional groups, with propositional and collaborative functions, aimed at improving the company’s operating model and increasing productivity.
“We are satisfied with this agreement that succeeds in finding the right synthesis between the needs of the company and those of the people – said Francesca Stacchiotti, Director of Human Resources at INWIT – We are proud to establish the Workers’ Participation Committee, which allows an increasing involvement of colleagues in the digital transformation of processes and in the achievement of corporate objectives. The establishment of this committee is an expression of that collaboration between the parts in which we strongly believe and that makes INWIT an innovative company also in the management of its most valuable asset: people.”