INWIT: slates for renewal of Board of Directors submitted and published
Milan, 12 September 2022 – Infrastrutture Wireless Italiane S.p.A. (“INWIT”) announces that, given the Shareholders’ Meeting convened for 4 October 2022 (single call) to deliberate – among other things – on the appointment of the Company’s Board of Directors, slates have been presented, within the legal terms, by the shareholders Central Tower Holding Company B.V. (which has declared a total shareholding of approximately 33.17% of the voting capital), Daphne 3 S.p.A. (which has declared a total shareholding of approximately 30.2% of the voting capital), as well as by a group of asset management companies and investors together with the shareholder Priviledge Amber Event Europe (which have declared a total shareholding of approximately 1.13836% of the voting capital).
The shareholder Central Tower Holding Company B.V. has submitted the following slate of candidates:
- Pietro Angelo Guindani, born in Milan (Italy) on 11 January 1958 – Non-independent
- Sonia Hernandez, born in Madrid (Spain) on 15 June 1973 – Non-independent
- Antonio Corda, born in Padua (Italy) on 9 April 1973 – Non-independent
- Christine Landrevot, born in Lille (France) on 15 September – Independent
- Nikolaus Rama, born in Göttingen (Germany) on 24 May 1974 – Non-independent
- Paolo Favaro, born in Rivoli (Italy) on 30 April 1982 – Independent
- Ana Diaz Cayetano, born in Cadiz (Spain) on 4 June 1973 – Independent
- Christian Sommer, born in Essen (Germany) on 19 March 1967 – Non-independent
- Thomas Reisten, born in Düren (Germany) on 2 August 1972 – Non-independent
- Angela Maria Cossellu, born in Ozieri (Italy) on 16 August 1963 – Independent
The shareholder Daphne 3 S.p.A. has submitted the following slate of candidates:
- Oscar Cicchetti, born in Pizzoli on 17 June 1951
- Rosario Mazza, born in Lamezia Terme on 27 October 1983
- Stefania Bariatti (*)(**), born in Milan on 28 October 1956
- Quentin Le Cloarec (*), born in Lorient (France) on 16 March 1991
- Elisabetta Paola Romano, born in Milan on 1 April 1963
- Laurent Fayollas, born in Neuilly-sur-Seine (France) on 20 July 1963
- Gonzague Marie Paul Noel Boutry, born in Paris (France) on 24 December 1986
- Jean-Jacques Dayries (*)(**), born in Rabat on 7 July 1946
- Federica Rita Vasquez, born in Catania on 7 June 1984
- Magali Chessé (*), born in Strasbourg (France) on 19 September 1974
(*) Candidate who meets the independence requirements pursuant to Article 148, subsection 3, of Legislative Decree No. 58 of 24 February 1998 (the “Consolidated Law on Finance”- CLF), as referred to by Article 147-ter, subsection 4, of the CLF.
(**) Candidate who meets the independence requirements pursuant to Article 2 of the Corporate Governance Code for Listed Companies, to which INWIT adheres.
The Shareholder Daphne 3 S.p.A. also proposes:
- to authorise the members of the Company’s Board of Directors, pursuant to Article 2390 of the Civil Code, to continue to carry out the activities referred to in the curricula vitae and lists of positions held in other companies attached to this slate;
- with regard to item 3 on the agenda of the Shareholders’ Meeting (Appointment of the Board of Directors – Determination of the term of office of the Board of Directors; related and consequent resolutions), to determine that the Board of Directors of the Company shall remain in office for 3 (three) fiscal years, i.e. until the date of the Shareholders’ Meeting of the Company called to approve the Company’s financial statements as at 31 December 2024.
The group of asset management companies and investors together with the shareholder Priviledge Amber Event Europe has submitted the following slate of candidates:
- Secondina Giulia Ravera, born in Cuneo on 12 May 1966
- Laura Cavatorta, born in Treviso on 1 February 1964
- Francesco Valsecchi, born in Rome on 9 July 1964
All the candidates declare themselves independent.
The detailed information and documentation required by Article 144-octies, subsection 1, of the Issuers’ Regulations (e.g.: curricula vitae, candidates’ statements) are made available to the public today at the Company’s registered office, on INWIT’s website at, as well as on the website of the storage mechanism at
In the same manner, the Report on Remuneration Policy 2022 and Compensation Paid – amendments first section – as well as an updated version of the Board of Directors’ Explanatory Report with supplements providing greater clarification on the items on the agenda of the Shareholders’ Meeting of 4 October 2022, previously published on 25 August 2022, have also been made available to the public.