Corporate Governance

Codes and Principles

The Code of Ethics

INWIT’s new Code of Ethics – approved by the Board of Directors on 09 November 2023 – is an indispensable tool to protect the Company’s values over time and to consolidate and maintain a culture of shared ethics, integrity and transparency, inspiring the conduct and behaviour of all those who work in the interest of the Company itself. The Code of Ethics is at the heart of the entire system of Corporate Governance and represents the charter of values that INWIT has voluntarily chosen to adopt and communicate as a concrete expression of the principles and passions that regulate the actions, strategies and objectives of the company and that become a point of reference for everyday work.

Observation of the Code is a duty of all Recipients, whether employees, suppliers, customers or collaborators who, in any role and regardless of the type of contractual relationship, operate in the name and on behalf of INWIT.

Download the new INWIT’s Code of Ethics

Principles of Self-Discipline

The Company complies with the Corporate Governance Code of Borsa Italiana. The Board of Directors on 13 may 2021 updated the Principles of self-discipline, which supplement the applicable rules with reference to the duties and operation of the Company bodies, referring for the rest to the principles and criteria of the Corporate Governance Code of Borsa Italiana.

Download the Principles of Self-Discipline

Qualitative and quantitative criteria for the assessment of the directors’ independence requirements

The Board of Directors, on 29 July 2021, approved the qualitative and quantitative criteria for the analysis of the relations between INWIT and its directors for the assessment of the independence requirements pursuant to recommendation 7, first period, paragraphs c) and d), in Article 2 of the Corporate Governance Code.

Download the criteria

Ethics and Integrity Pact

In pursuing and guaranteeing the correctness of pre-contractual and contractual relationships, INWIT asks all its suppliers to adhere to the Ethics and Integrity Agreement, which aims to promote compliance with principles such as respect for the environment, the protection of human rights and labor standards and the fight against corruption.

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Tax Strategy

INWIT places great attention on compliance with tax regulations and the correct fulfilment of tax obligations in the pursuit of its strategic business objectives.
In this regard, it has established a system for identifying, measuring, evaluating and monitoring tax risk, which is part of the internal control and risk management system, including the set of rules, procedures and organisational structures aimed at contributing to the sustainable success of the Company.
The “Fiscal Strategy” is approved and issued by the Board of Directors of Inwit S.p.A. and is made available to all stakeholders. It is constantly updated, also in relation to changes at the strategic and/or operational level of the essential elements of which it is composed.

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Suppliers’ Code of Conduct

The Supplier Code of Conduct expresses INWIT’s expectations regarding the procurement cycle, ensuring its sustainability from social, environmental, and economic perspectives. It represents especially an essential element in promoting a culture based on sustainability, ethics, integrity, and transparency within the Company’s supply chain, integrating and referencing what is already provided in the Code of Ethics.

Compliance with the provisions contained in INWIT’s Supplier Code of Conduct is a duty for all Suppliers, as well as a binding condition, attached to all contracts concluded with them.

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