Pursuant to Decree Law no 18/2020, the attendance of the shareholders’ meeting by all those entitled to vote, without prejudice to all other remote voting methods specified herein, and voting at the shareholders’ meeting, shall take place exclusively through the Appointed Representative, in accordance with Article 135-undecies of the CLF, identified as Computershare S.p.A..
Electronic Voting
Ordinary shareholders are also entitled to vote electronically, starting from 23 March 2022 and up to and including 5 April 2022, through this link will be available from 23 March 2022.
Voting electronically can only be exercised by persons who are holders of such right.
Proxy pursuant to Article 135-undecies of the CFL
The Appointed Representative may be granted a written proxy pursuant to Article 135-undecies of the CLF, at no cost for the delegating party (except for any postage costs), providing voting instructions on all or some of the proposals on the agenda.
The proxy to the Appointed Representative pursuant to Article 135-undecies of the CLF is granted by completing and signing the specific designed representative proxy form, also electronic, available on the Company web site https://www.inwit.it/en/governance/shareholders-meeting/ in the section “Proxy forms” where the link to a procedure for the electronic transmission of the delegation is indicated.
The proxy form with the voting instructions must be sent following the instructions on the form itself by the end of the second open market day preceding the Shareholders’ Meeting, that is by 4 April 2022 and within the same period the proxy can be revoked.
It should be noted that the proxy shall not have effect for those proposals for which voting instructions have not been given.
Proxy pursuant to Article 135-novies of the CFL
The Appointed Representative may be granted proxies and/or sub-proxies pursuant to Article 135-novies of the CLF, with voting instructions on all or some of the proposals on the agenda following the instructions on the form itself available on the Company web site https://www.inwit.it/en/governance/shareholders-meeting/ in the section “Proxy forms”.
Proxies may be granted by 5 April 2022 and within the same period the proxy and/or subproxies can be revoked.
The designated representative will be available for clarification or information at the freephone number +390246776814 and at the email address ufficiomi@computershare.it