Integration of the agenda and Presentation of new proposed resolutions
Shareholders who individually or jointly represent at least 2.5% of the ordinary share capital, having demonstrated their entitlement in the manner required by the applicable regulations, may request the integration of the items on the agenda, specifying the additional items they propose, or new proposed resolutions on items already on the agenda.
The agenda cannot be supplemented with items on which, in accordance with the law, the shareholders’ meeting resolved on proposal of the administrative body or on the basis of a project or report prepared by it, other than those specified under article 125-ter, paragraph 1 of the CLF.
The request and report giving the reason for the request, together with a copy of an identity document and a certificate attesting the ownership of the share from an authorized intermediary in accordance with current regulations, must be received within 10 days of the publication of the notice (March 24, 2024), alternatively
on paper to the following address:
Legal & Corporate Affairs
Piazza Trento, 10
00198 ROMA – ITALY
or by email to the following address
The Company shall give notice of the integrations of the agenda and of the new proposed resolutions, in the same manner as required for the publication of the call notice, at least 15 days before the date set for the Shareholders’ meeting; contextually will be available the report prepared by requesting Shareholders.
Reference regulation
Article 126-bis Consolidated Law on Finance
Presentation of individual proposals for resolutions on items on the agenda
In consideration of the circumstance that participation in this Shareholders’ Meeting is allowed exclusively through the Designated Representative and the presentation of proposals during the proceedings is not permitted, with reference to this meeting, all shareholders who are entitled to exercise this right in the forms provided for by the applicable regulations are allowed to submit individual proposals for resolutions on the items on the agenda.
The request, together with a copy of an identity document and the communication certifying ownership of the shareholding issued by an authorised intermediary pursuant to applicable regulations, must be received within 10 days of the publication of the notice of call (24 March 2024), alternatively
on paper to the address:
Legal & Corporate Affairs
Piazza Trento, 10
or by e-mail to the address
It is recommended that proposals be formulated in a clear and complete manner, hopefully accompanied by a report stating the reasons for the proposal.
After verifying the relevance of the proposals with respect to the agenda, as well as their completeness and compliance with the applicable regulations, the Company will make all the proposals received (and any accompanying explanatory reports) known by 8 April 2024 through publication on the Company’s website at