#FacciamoRete – INWIT and Italian municipalities join forces for a more connected Italy – the story of Villaperuccio

Let’s value the connections, #FacciamoRete: INWIT‘s new column kicks off with the aim of recounting the partnerships and collaborations of Italy’s leading Tower Operator with the municipalities and towns of our country.
Local realities, that can be rediscovered also by the younger generations thanks to the added value that digital infrastructures bring to those territories. Italy’s 5G Plan – densification of the PNRR is an important opportunity, responding to the great demand for connectivity and helping to bridge the many areas that are still in the digital divide.
The first municipality we are going to get to know is Villaperuccio, a town with 1034 residents, in the province of Carbonia-Inglesias, Sardinia.
This is an ancient territory, inhabited by man since Neolithic times, with a precious natural and artistic heritage, where the site of the pre-Nuragic necropolis of Montessu and Marchianna stands out, with a built-up area dating back to medieval times, surrounded by a surrounding countryside that is rich in archaeological finds and sites.
The area is ancient but the needs are modern: the residents’ business and non-business activities were severely affected by the absence of a signal.
Villaperuccio has therefore entered into a partnership with INWIT, becoming the first Sardinian municipality in which a 5G Italy Plan tower has been built, capable of enabling the 5G signal of the operator TIM. The installation of the digital infrastructure has thus made it possible to improve the issues related to the digital divide, guaranteeing uniform and widespread coverage over the territory, which is enhanced in two main aspects: on one hand, a direct benefit to the lives and activities of residents, and on the other, a harmonious integration into the ecosystem of Villaperuccio, without affecting its identity.
“The tower has been positioned in such a way as to ensure coverage of the municipal territory – commented Marcellino Piras, mayor of Villaperuccio – In this way, all businesses located in the lower part of the town centre, as well as all residents, who are heavily penalised by the lack of a signal, will be able to use all internet services.”
Thanks to the work of INWIT, Villaperuccio can write a new story, supported by digital and shared infrastructure.
Keep following the column to discover all the stories of #FacciamoRete!