Interview with Luciano Meoni, Cortona Mayor
In the new appointment with the column “Infrastrutture Digitali e Condivise – Facciamo Rete” – dedicated to collaborations between INWIT, cities and towns in Italy – we had the pleasure of interviewing the Mayor of the Cortona municipality, Luciano Meoni.
Cortona is an historical town of Etruscan origin in the Valdichiana, in the Arezzo province, and is set in a territory that is so morphologically varied and articulated that network coverage is not always easy, not least with possible public safety impacts.
With a perspective of improvement and innovation, the collaboration between INWIT and the town of Cortona was born, which aims to improve the situation by guaranteeing a stable and capillary connection throughout the municipal territory, thanks to the installation of digital and shared infrastructures to support telecommunications operators.
INWIT is a public service in its own right,
said the mayor of Cortona Luciano Meoni during the interview, who then added:
To facilitate the implementation of digital infrastructures in the territories, the support of partners who invest in the territory like your company is essential.
Watch the full interview here (if the video is not displayed correctly click here):