Attending the webinar “Prevention is Online. The 5G Opportunity”

Michelangelo Suigo, director of External Relations, Communications & Sustainability at INWIT, was a speaker at the webinar “Prevention is online. The opportunity of 5G”.

The importance of 5G to encourage innovation, but at the same time the necessity to adjust electromagnetic emission limits in Italy to European levels. On these two topics was focused the speech of Michelangelo Suigo, Director of External Relations, Communication & Sustainability of INWIT, during the webinar “Prevention is online. The opportunity of 5G”, part of the series of Sapiens Tecnologici meetings organized by Earth Technology Expo.

The importance of 5G

“5G will foster innovation, inclusion, reduction of inequalities. INWIT plays a pioneering role in the digital transition of the country, as reflected in the industrial plan 2021-2023, which includes an investment program of about 600 million euros – said Suigo as reported by Ansa agency – An obstacle to be removed, however, are the bureaucratic limitations: it is important that the Government, in the face of a well-structured plan that allocates 6.31 billion to ultrafast networks and 5G, has included measures to simplify procedures such as the Decree Pnrr, approved in late May.”

“5G will foster innovation.”

Michelangelo Suigo, INWIT

Adjustment of electromagnetic emission limits

Simplifications may not be enough to ensure the proper development of the 5G network: “To enable the fast implementation of 5G networks, it is essential to adjust electromagnetic emission limits to European levels – explained Suigo – limits that in Italy were set about 20 years ago with a threshold 10 times lower than that applied in EU countries, including Germany, France, UK and Spain.” The electromagnetic emission limits in Italy can be adjusted to those of other European countries, since there are no health risks: “It is good to reiterate, as already clarified by numerous international and national studies such as the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, that the transition to 5G does not involve an increase in overall electromagnetic exposure. This debate only risks to create a constant ‘background noise’ that takes us away from the real issue: how technological innovation enabled by 5G can improve our lives and our economy” concluded Suigo.