INWIT invests in Sustainability and Human Capital
Launch of “Enabling Digital Future: Training to Perform”: 19,000 hours of new skills training.
Launch of “Enabling Digital Future: Training to Perform”: 19,000 hours of new skills training.
The key to growth lies in the ability to look to the future, investing in skills, knowledge and innovation. For this reason, involvement, well-being and development of people have become one of the pillars of INWIT’s sustainability strategy and represent a growth factor that places us in the front row among the most virtuous companies in Italy and in the world for commitment profuse in achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
A testimony of this commitment is represented by the new training program of INWIT ‘ENABLING DIGITAL FUTURE: training to perform‘. Created to promote skills and the development of human capital by supporting knowledge, the use of new technologies and the professional growth of people, the program allowed us to invest in quality training to strengthen and accelerate the spread of the culture of sustainability also in inside the company.
“This initiative has been made possible thanks to the intervention of the innovative Fondo Nuove Competenze which supports investment in the human capital and competitiveness of Italian businesses. In fact, it is increasingly important to create advanced work organisation models and increasingly effective leadership styles,” commented Francesca Stacchiotti, Head of Human Resources at INWIT.
The project – approved by the the Italian National Agency for Active Labour Policies (ANPAL) – will make more than 19,000 training hours available to all employees and seeks to strengthen the wealth of skills and enable organisational, digital and technological transformations in line with the company’s growth strategy.
The projects will focus on spreading an “agile” culture and additional “digital skills”. In particular, the programme offers various thematic pathways that aim to introduce new organisational models that aspire to increasingly “smarter” ways of working, inclusion, diversity and the environmental sustainability of production processes, work and the property portfolio.
Moreover, professional development paths are also planned to strengthen some key skills regarding the evolutionary trends of the market and the company’s business ranging from the acquisition of process optimisation and data analysis methods, to the development of study skills and the development of Cyber Security, including the promotion of IoT services and the use of advanced technologies.
“We have set up different paths based around the activities of each of our employees and the skills gaps noted with respect to the company requirements. This is a highly ambitious training programme – stated Francesca Stacchiotti – that represents a great growth opportunity for INWIT. Investing in the advancement of skills, developing new skills and acquiring the operational abilities and the tools typical of the digital transformation are in fact necessary steps in order to manage the change and tackle future challenges.”