INWIT brings 5G to the Pietrarsa National Railway Museum

Fondazione FS and INWIT have completed the coverage made with DAS antennas to prepare the museum for 5G technology.
After hospitals and subways, INWIT continues its project to make the country and its historical places more connected.
In line with the guidelines of INWIT’s Sustainability Plan, which aims to contribute to the development of the community also through the activation of coverage projects of areas with a high social and cultural vocation, the coverage of the National Railway Museum of Pietrarsa has recently been completed with DAS (Distributed Antenna System) technology. Through the use of micro-antennas at very low power and extremely small size, it is possible to use a more advanced and fast data reception system, preserving the monumental and architectural beauty of the building.
The antennas, connected to each other through fiber optics, allow the coverage of the entire area of the museum and its Congress Center, simplifying its activities and making it a more innovative site. This is not the first technological feature that distinguishes the Pietrarsa National Railway Museum, which has long made technology one of its strong points. Multimedia installations, driving simulators, augmented reality films allow visitors to enjoy an involving and avant-garde experience that makes the site usable not only from a historical, landscape and cultural point of view, but also from the interactive learning aspect.
“Indoor coverage in museums opens up a new and different approach to the museum sector and, more generally, to the cultural sector – said Giovanni Ferigo , INWIT’s Chief Executive Officer. – No longer just a space to visit, but somewhere to experience, with the opportunity to avail of multiple services, enabled thanks to the possibilities offered by new technologies. Places in step with the times, modern and inclusive, that speak the same language as youth and stimulate their interest, through tools that make the most of content and, above all, are able to make it accessible
to all.”
Luigi Cantamessa, General Manager of Fondazione FS, said: “After the radical restoration of the old Bourbon structures, the Pietrarsa Museum is now moving into a new dimension, with digital tours of the trains that marked Italian history – something which could only be achieved with state-of-the-art technological infrastructure. Never before have industrial history and digital future come together so well as at Pietrarsa”.