Safety at work and Environment, INWIT has a new policy

The Board of Directors of INWIT has approved the new Environment, Health and Safety Policy.
Improved safety for its employees and suppliers and reduction of environmental impacts: these are the central themes of the new Environment, Health and Safety Policy approved by the Board of Directors of INWIT. In line with the guidelines of the Sustainability Plan, which for the People sector envisage the promotion of a culture of health and safety along the value chain, while for the Environment sector envisage the development of a management system oriented towards the reduction of environmental impacts, the approval of the policy represents the first step towards the implementation of an Integrated Environment and Health and Safety Management System, according to ISO 14001 and ISO 45001.
To achieve these important objectives, INWIT, in carrying out its activities, considers the Health and Safety of its workers and third parties working on behalf of the company to be a priority in order to prevent accidents and occupational diseases. In addition, our company is committed to maintaining an adequate system of selection, monitoring and evaluation of the performance of suppliers and contractors, in order to guarantee them the highest standards of safety.
On the environmental front, with the approval of the policy, INWIT aims to identify new technologies that will reduce the consumption of raw materials and the use of non-renewable energy sources, in a circular economy, as well as improve the landscape impact of its technological infrastructure. The document specifies, in fact, that the company wants to reduce its impact on the production of greenhouse gases, in particular through the production and purchase of energy from renewable sources and the choice, optimization and reduction of the refrigerant gases used. It also wants to manage waste by adopting strategies oriented towards recycling and recovery, with the aim of increasing the life cycle of materials and products used for its infrastructures.
In order to improve the workplace for its employees, INWIT intends to scrupulously respect and demand compliance by suppliers with current environmental and occupational health and safety legislation. Finally, our company wants to promote organizational well-being through the implementation of advanced forms of work organization (smart-working), which allow to work more effectively and flexibly to meet the needs of people and, at the same time, to reduce environmental impacts.