INWIT with Generazione Donna for gender equality

INWIT is among the most virtuous companies with its policies on care work and parenting.
On the occasion of March 8th, INWIT reinforces its commitment to gender equality and inclusion in the workplace. Our corporate policies, including the Diversity & Inclusion policy, have been included in the list of good corporate practices to redistribute the care and parenting workloads within a paper prepared by Valore D and Snam. The document brings together 25 companies that are members of the Generazione Donna group, which brings together more than 165 thousand employees in Italy, and analyses the two issues of managing care work and a culture of parenting that is equally shared between parents. In addition to identifying best practices at the legislative level, each of the 25 companies contributed by sharing their own initiatives on the two issues – thus creating a set of over 200 best practices reported in an article in Il Sole 24 Ore – and committing to work on specific actions.
INWIT has always been committed to issues of inclusion and gender equity: we have set up a D&I team to put people at the center, with the aim of promoting their well-being and development. A first target achieved was the definition and approval by the Board of Directors of an ad hoc D&I Policy, which reflects INWIT’s commitment to promoting a corporate culture oriented to overcome any kind of discrimination and prejudice and the desire to make the workplace an inclusive and plural environment. INWIT is also one of the signatories of the Women’s Empowerment Principles, promoted by the Global Compact and UN Women to support companies in promoting gender equality in the workplace, in the market and in the community. Our company also achieved entry into the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index (GEI) 2022, which measures gender equality, diversity advocacy and inclusion of companies.
The project in which INWIT took part “Care work and parenting“, will be presented on March 8, 2022 during the webinar “March 8: from reconciliation to sharing. Reflecting on care work and parenting starting from companies” and will be streamed live on the LinkedIn and YouTube channels of Valore D and on the YouTube channel of Snam. An opportunity to discuss about gendergap and the policies to be adopted in order to move from the concept of reconciliation to the one of sharing the duties of care through the promotion of parental leave including paternity leave included in the law.