INWIT, new Anti-Corruption Policy: another step towards a transparent and sustainable business
The Board of Directors has approved an anti-corruption document taking into account the main national and international regulations and best practices.
INWIT repudiates all forms of corruption, according to the principle of “zero tolerance”, and adopts all appropriate measures to prevent this risk. The Board of Directors has, in fact, approved the new anti-corruption policy, drawn up in line with the company’s ethical values with the aim of maintaining a governance system aligned with the main national and international regulations and best practices, as provided for in the Sustainability Plan.
The document, which can be consulted at this link, has been issued with the aim of reinforcing awareness of the potential risks to which the business is exposed, for the proper management of relations with internal or external parties, whether public or private.
With the new Policy, our company is committed to: formalizing the separation of roles and responsibilities, establishing spending powers that are consistent with the organizational and proxy structure of the Company; guaranteeing the traceability of the individual phases of each company process, archiving the relative documentation; providing for appropriate levels of authorization and reporting obligations to the hierarchical superior; identifying, within the company functions, the subjects delegated to interface with the Public Administration.
Anyone who observes behaviour that could potentially constitute corrupt conduct in the interest of, to the advantage of or to the detriment of the Company, or in any case a presumed violation of the Policy, must report it without delay through the specific channel provided by the Whistleblowing procedure. INWIT requires its employees to manage relations with third parties according to principles of transparency and correctness right from the selection phase, ensuring traceability. Moreover, with specific reference to gifts, INWIT sets up a special register of gifts in order to ensure their traceability according to the provisions of the specific internal procedure.
Thanks to the approval of the new Anti-Corruption Policy, INWIT aims to present itself as a transparent company that complies with the main regulations in this field.