TourFOR5G 2024 starts from Palermo

TheFOR5G Tour lands in Palermo to talk about the value of digital and shared infrastructures in the Italian territory. The touring event organised by INWIT in collaboration with Fondazione Ottimisti&Razionali continues and makes a stop in the capital of the Region of Sicily on Friday 15 March. The meeting, which was held at 11.30 a.m. in the Sala Petrosino of the Palermo City Police Headquarters, is the eighth stop on the TOUR after Naples, Rome, Florence, Genoa, Bari, Catanzaro and L’Aquila. The event, titled “Le infrastrutture digitali per lo sviluppo del mezzogiorno” provided an important opportunity to discuss technological and digital development in support of the territories and communities of southern Italy.
Guests from institutions, academia and business were present:
- Roberto Lagalla, Mayor – City of Palermo
- Anthony Emanuele Barbagallo, PD Group Leader in the 9th Tlc Commission – Chamber of Deputies
- Marco Betta, General Manager and Artistic Director – Fondazione Teatro Massimo di Palermo
- Michelangelo Suigo, Director of External Relations, Communication and Sustainability at INWIT
- Salvo Pogliese, FdI Group Leader IXth Industry Commission – Senate of the Republic;
Moderated the meeting:
- Claudio Velardi, President of the Ottimisti&Razionali Foundation;
“Digital and shared infrastructures, supporting operators, are fundamental pillars for the development as well as the shared and social growth of Southern Italy and Sicily. Our towers are increasingly smart and sustainable, “digital towers” – said Michelangelo Suigo, INWIT’s Director of External Relations, Communication and Sustainability -. In Sicily, we plan to build about 130 mobile telecommunications infrastructures over the next two years, of which about 40 related to the Italy 5G-PNRR Plan to reduce the digital divide in the island’s white areas.

The FOR5G Tour is an event that aims to raise awareness of the benefits of digital infrastructures and 5G, through constructive discussions between representatives of the institutional, economic, social and productive framework of local realities, countering fake news and misinformation. The aim is to promote a better understanding of technology and digital education in local communities for individuals, companies and institutions.
“Sicily and Palermo are equipped with a high-performance and present digital infrastructure, thus we do not start from a disadvantageous position in this challenge – said Roberto Lagalla, Mayor of Palermo -. Technology is important for work, with increasingly common situations like the so-called South working, but also for control and security, with funding from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). For instance, a city control system has been created to monitor traffic, the water status, and the risk of fires. Examples that show how technology improves services and their quality, and digitisation is the best way forward.”
Review the event on our website! (If you do not see the video below, click here)